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Mandarin Orange Crispy "Chicken" (Vegetarian Entree)

I have been trying different vegetarian substitutes for meat. Most of them are quite awful until I tried this.
The "chicken" nuggets are frozen and quickly pan-fried in a little olive oil until brown and crispy on the outside.
Honestly... these things are delicious when combined with a sauce of some kind.

The first time I had them, I used the mandarin orange sauce that came in two packets in the box.
Simply add the sauce to the sauteed "chicken" and cook until bubbling and the "meat" is coated.

I had some frozen veggies that I quickly cooked in the microwave and then added to the "chicken" mixture.
This is good on it's own or would be good on top of rice or noodles.

I also bought these and prepared them in a pan and then added barbecue sauce for a bbq sandwich and they were very satisfying.

Do check out some of the other products available and let me know if you have tried a substitute protein that you find good.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/640s f/8.0 at 75.0mm iso2500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
larose forest photos14-Jul-2014 02:51
Oh this looks wonderful for a vegetarian like me. Terrific shot. V
routerer11-Jul-2014 23:43
Looks very nice Fay, the Orange must add to the taste i'm sure.
Martin Lamoon11-Jul-2014 21:45
Great photograph of this tasty looking food.
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