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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Macro with MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5X >
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3 x life size. Outside, no flash.
Slight crop, resized.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Ann Pettigrew07-Dec-2013 05:51
Excellent job with this jumper! They are so photogenic!
rocky04-Oct-2008 09:27
You've captured a nice jumper it looks like. They have eight eyes. Great capture with no flash. V!
Steve Morris02-Oct-2008 17:03
Unbelievable shot - how many eyes does it need??BV
Steve Sharp20-Jun-2008 20:26
I love these jumper spiders, they're about as cute as it is possible for a spider to be, and always remind me of something out of the original Star Trek series!
Guest 12-Jun-2008 17:48
super sharp eyes. v.
Chad Ramsey02-Jun-2008 00:26
Ooh fantastic shot! Great macro~V
Al Chesworth31-May-2008 20:39
A very well pictured ugly bugga.
Guest 24-May-2008 03:12
Excellent, especially for natural light. Extremely difficult to do with the 65, kudos!
Guest 24-May-2008 00:25
My! what big eyes ...eyes ... eyes you've got! ~V~
Tom Munson19-May-2008 20:32
Cool shot of this impressive spider. v
XiaoBernard9919-May-2008 15:45
Hello you are so cute with your sunglasses...Well done indeed I dont like the spider but if it is you ...
Guest 19-May-2008 11:26
I guess you liked each other right away, because you look very close! ;-)
Very impressive image.
Guest 19-May-2008 10:14
Yvonne19-May-2008 09:39
Keeping eyes on you Sheila, fantastic shot! v
Guest 19-May-2008 08:56
cool...that is a lot closer than i can get.
assume this is a 'jumper'?!
how close did you physically get to the jumper? would be interesting to find out.
Guest 19-May-2008 08:55
Eye wondered how long it would take !;-)
Superb !!
laine8219-May-2008 08:08
How close again did you say you got ??? :>)))) That is wow factor plus...big vote, Sheila.
Simon Chandler19-May-2008 06:48
Fantastic macro. So sharp with great details. v
Eric Carrère19-May-2008 06:23
You are a queen :))
shatterbug19-May-2008 06:21
You are putting that lens to good use...magnification and detail are amazing!
Phillip Normanton19-May-2008 05:52
Awww, looks so cute and fluffy at that size!! Amazing!