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Why do boys always get the most gorgeous eyelashes!

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Guest 07-Feb-2008 07:45
wow! well done Sheila. our vote
shatterbug07-Feb-2008 07:21
Love the framing here, and dof is excellent!
Guest 07-Feb-2008 05:41
The tight crop is really effective, and your choice of shallow DOF and focus are working very well.
Guest 07-Feb-2008 01:59
Great POF and conversion..
Why ? because now they do mascara for men ! ;-)
Ann...06-Feb-2008 21:47
Very lovely shot.
Sue Robertson06-Feb-2008 21:26
What a sweet little face. I bet he is up to mischief.
Nicki Thurgar06-Feb-2008 21:16
Yes, it's so unfair! ;o) Great close up!
beverley harrison06-Feb-2008 21:15
stunning shot sheila...
Barbara Heide06-Feb-2008 20:01
beautiful! prfecrt light and dof! v
John Beck06-Feb-2008 19:50
A beautiful child and photograph. They don't always. My daughter's were so long they'd get caught in the lower lashes and she would have trouble getting them apart.
Chris06-Feb-2008 19:47
What a beautiful child and portrait. Chris
Ian York06-Feb-2008 18:57
Thats easy to answer
cuz boyz is better than girlz..... : )
Bryan Murahashi06-Feb-2008 15:51
Very nice!
Paco López06-Feb-2008 15:08
Excellent!!!! V!
Phillip Normanton06-Feb-2008 14:38
Wow, they are long, aren't they! Great mood to this.
royalld06-Feb-2008 14:04
Great portrait.
Mihai06-Feb-2008 13:26
Great ! V
Robyco06-Feb-2008 13:07
Do not ask me...... but we need something to trigger the girls !!
Excellent crop and like the mood !! (V)
Guest 06-Feb-2008 12:57
This is a beautiful image. Vote