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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> UK snaps > Mossy Oak
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Mossy Oak

growing horizontally across a river at Ingleton, Yorkshire


Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/15s f/8.0 at 17.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Máire Uí Mhaicín27-Nov-2007 10:02
This is beautiful Sheila! Multilayered tones of green, and the spreading branch draws the eye through the picture.-v-
laine8210-Nov-2007 23:56
How good that looks. A great find.
Guest 09-Nov-2007 05:39
Fince capture and I like the framing, v
Guest 06-Nov-2007 08:47
The mix of curves and colors is very pleasing.
Gary Winters06-Nov-2007 08:38
I dare you to walk across it! Beautiful image...
beverley harrison06-Nov-2007 08:03
straight out of a fairytale book!
shatterbug06-Nov-2007 07:20
Fascinating tree...agree with Yves, it looks like something out of Lord of the Rings!
QUERIDO06-Nov-2007 06:49
Very nice shot,vote
Susan Leigh06-Nov-2007 06:39
A wonderful find, very nicely composed..beautiful scene!
Dave Wixx06-Nov-2007 04:50
What a great tree, beautiful shot.
carolynne_w06-Nov-2007 03:32
Well seen and captured! The composition enhances the subject.
Yves Marquis06-Nov-2007 01:35
looks like a tree in a fantastic movies !!!
Yvonne06-Nov-2007 01:34
Wonderful shot Sheila! vote
BAS Photography06-Nov-2007 01:19
Beautiful! ~V~
Xavi Barneda05-Nov-2007 22:48
Nice Shot! V!
Phillip Normanton05-Nov-2007 22:41
Great find, love the backlight!
Jola Dziubinska05-Nov-2007 22:40
Magical place.