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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> UK snaps > Foggy morning in Wiltshire
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Foggy morning in Wiltshire

There is a famous white horse carved into this hill,
but we couldn't see it for the fog.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/1000s f/13.0 at 19.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
wernere0126-Oct-2007 18:56
So you couldn´t have both: the white horse and this wonderful misty atmosphere. But the horse is there, I´ve seen years ago.
JW25-Oct-2007 14:29
My commuting route!! Superb light and perspective
Susan Leigh25-Oct-2007 08:31
Nice capture, I like the fog..very mystical..lovely!
...where's t'horse s'posed be? ...I think its bolted ;-)
Herb 25-Oct-2007 02:51
Nice image
Dave Wixx25-Oct-2007 02:22
Love the distant trees on the hillside.
Yvonne25-Oct-2007 00:11
Wonderful ambience Sheila, so different!
fred_il24-Oct-2007 22:24
laine8224-Oct-2007 22:13
Quite a differant light to the one we are used to :>) So quiet here.