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Beach at Skegness

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/1000s f/8.0 at 17.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
JW22-Oct-2007 13:51
That's how I remember Skegness. The texture of that tyre track is sexy!! LOL
Guest 19-Oct-2007 04:43
I hope the beach is not empy because it is cold ;-) Nicely composed image.
Char18-Oct-2007 18:05
Hi Sheila,
Very vast and a very beautiful scene! \/
Dave Wixx18-Oct-2007 13:46
By the thumbnail I thought you were back outback!!! Cool shot.
laine8218-Oct-2007 12:58
I know...your homesick for the Perth beaches :>))...we're are all in mid 20's tomorrow !!
Yvonne18-Oct-2007 12:51
Fabulous feeling of space!! Superb pov Sheila, the view seems endless! vote
Susan Leigh18-Oct-2007 11:08
A wonderful image, excellent use of leading lines that draw the eye into the horizon.
Great perspective..fab dof! v
QUERIDO18-Oct-2007 10:32
Beautiful shot,vote