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01-OCT-2007 Sheila

Angel of the North

A couple of locals tried to put us off seeing this marvelous sculpture.
We are so glad we went ahead to see it. It has enormous presence and is very worthwhile seeing from afar but especially, close up.

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/400s f/8.0 at 10.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Bernard Bosmans27-Feb-2014 11:04
Fantastic sculpture, love how the sky is so inviting for a lift off and thanks for sharing the info.Wonderful perspective. V.
Yvonne21-Oct-2012 07:57
What a wonderful piece of sculpture, especially poignant reading the artist's notes about the placement! v
Thomas05-Oct-2008 17:04
What a sculpture! Like your POV.
Guest 08-May-2008 08:04
A great view, and thanks for the background info. ~V~
JW04-Nov-2007 08:32
I can't believe we were so close and didn't see this impressive sculpture - you have really caught the dramatic spirit of it
Phillip Normanton26-Oct-2007 21:42
I passed this on Wednesday. Didn't have nearly as good a sky though, just kept going...
Guest 25-Oct-2007 09:31
I must have missed this one,Sheila.This is a gorgeous shot taken on the ideal day to show the rust against that blue sky! The people give a sense of scale.I know this "Angel" is only made of steel, but it has a very emotional feel to it as it seems to protect the whole area in its wings! V
Guest 15-Oct-2007 05:03
What a sculpture! I wouldn't stay around when the wind is strong!
Johnny JAG14-Oct-2007 16:17
Very nice, I must go there one day.
Victoria14-Oct-2007 06:11
sTUNNING, bEAUTIFUL stunning, what beautiful British Ikon
laine8214-Oct-2007 03:05
It's an amazing structure..more spectacular in reality no doubt !! Vote
Susan Leigh14-Oct-2007 03:01
Nearly the same spot anall LOL
Susan Leigh14-Oct-2007 02:54
eeeh..I am pleased you got there!!! isnt it grand!!! ;-)
Guest 14-Oct-2007 01:53
Incredible! Excellent perspective. V
Al Chesworth13-Oct-2007 23:51
Great perspective on this Sheila.
coaster13-Oct-2007 22:56
Nice shot!
Ian York13-Oct-2007 22:33
The ne British Ikon, well new ish