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February 2. Freedom

I fished this guy out of the bin, where she had fallen with a bit of garden rubbish.
I said, Your freedom for a photo. She obliged for a few minutes.
I am always afraid they will LAUNCH themselves at the lens, or me :-(

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yves Rubin13-Feb-2007 03:16
Wonderful picture, your subtitle really puts things in perspective. I for one always tend release those critters, after all, life is precious, even for them.
Sue Robertson07-Feb-2007 00:02
A bit too close and personal for me.. but a very artistic approach.
Guest 04-Feb-2007 09:59
Fabulous - love the blurred background. The colours go so well.
JW03-Feb-2007 20:49
Blimey! You do have some scary creatures in your part of the world! LOL
Herb 03-Feb-2007 06:18
Great macro
coaster03-Feb-2007 05:25
Great macro!
Gayle Jenkins03-Feb-2007 05:07
what a great shot Sheila, but he is scary looking
Yvonne03-Feb-2007 04:41
Fabulous shot Sheila, wonderful detail! We've got a few around here too,
they love it warm! vote
laine8203-Feb-2007 04:17
We have a big girl in the bathroom again. I can't get close enough to macro shoot as it stays close to the ceiling. Love the detail.
AL03-Feb-2007 03:07
Superb detail and dof. A big vote for your kindess, your bravery and his freedom!
Graham Tomlin03-Feb-2007 02:22
very good regards Helen
petesie03-Feb-2007 01:06
Now that is close! Great macro, Sheila.
Guest 03-Feb-2007 00:54
Bin Fishin' ? ;-)
Nice detail & DOF
Guest 02-Feb-2007 22:17
brilliant! and you are VERY brave! :-)
Carole Stevens02-Feb-2007 21:17
Its Ummm lovely pik but the spider is so scary on a 24 inch screen!
I've 8 eyes looking at me argh!
Eric Carrère02-Feb-2007 20:59
Wonderful Macro Sheila, well done...V.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 20:54
Great macro shot..V
ewa toll02-Feb-2007 20:42
what a big monster !!
Johnny JAG02-Feb-2007 20:06
I'd have just closed the lid....... and run.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 19:57
What a capture! v
Zak02-Feb-2007 19:17
Guest 02-Feb-2007 18:56
LOL, that was exactly my worry, that it would launch at you and/or your lens! Nice shot!
Guest 02-Feb-2007 18:29
I am glad you did take the time of the photo. These spider don't make me any harm, but I can understand your fear. Excellent macro with superb colors.
chrisse02-Feb-2007 18:02
Very brave Sheila !! Scary when you look at them so closely. Great macro.
joanteno02-Feb-2007 17:17
Glad he/she free, but afraid to get my camera leans that close!
Olaf Herrig02-Feb-2007 16:35
A very interesting portrait shot!
Brian McAllister02-Feb-2007 16:01
Good macro Sheila. Agree with the others about the excellent bokeh and dof. V.
Bryan Murahashi02-Feb-2007 16:00
Great shot and rewards for your kindness. V.
gary becker02-Feb-2007 14:58
Very cool how her colors blend with the background colors.
Renee Lockett02-Feb-2007 14:42
Wow, Sheila! This macro is stunning! Admire your bravery. :-) Big vote!
Robert Charity02-Feb-2007 14:12
wow - great one Sheila, V
Guest 02-Feb-2007 13:51
Superb focusing!!! He is huge. vote
Al Chesworth02-Feb-2007 13:11
OK take my picture she says, then I squash her .
Nicki Thurgar02-Feb-2007 12:50
aaargh! too close!!!! too much detail!!! aaaargh!
(great macro though!!)
Guest 02-Feb-2007 12:44
Scary. Nice macro.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 12:43
wonderful shot sheila. the bokeh is quite complimentary to the image.
i am amazed with what you did with only f3.5!!
i am always struggling to get more dof and you managed to nail this fella's head and eyes with only f3.5!
Marcia Colelli02-Feb-2007 12:27
Great shot Sheila, you are brave. I had one launch itself at the camera before. dropped my camera, fortuantely only a couple of feet, so did not harm the camera. Decided that was enough for me. V
Guest 02-Feb-2007 12:05
Fabulous macro,the detail is amazing,Sheila!GMV
Guest 02-Feb-2007 11:57
You are so kind, but it's a beauty.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 11:30
Make sure Olivier sees this one.