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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Western Australian scene > Australian monitor lizard Varanus giganteus
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Australian monitor lizard Varanus giganteus

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Guest 18-Nov-2007 11:36
Very good!
Laryl18-Feb-2007 07:57
so excellent
Guest 28-Oct-2006 23:45
Great clear shot, avéc DOF, so you didn't fancy the Tamron, then ? :-)
Susan Leigh25-Oct-2006 10:13
yes, great clear..looks like a flat cap with eyes ;-)
Wei O'Connell25-Oct-2006 02:46
Great shot. I don't like any reptiles. I get goose bumps when I see the reptiles.
Shayne24-Oct-2006 19:08
This is just another reason I like Alberta.... .NO LIZARDS ~LOL~
laine8224-Oct-2006 09:26
How big was this boy ? Good capture, but I'm not a reptile fan.
Yvonne24-Oct-2006 09:20
Absolutely superb Sheila, glad you used your zoom!