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3. Light and shadow.

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Janet Donnelly05-Apr-2012 22:35
I have to go to my local zoo to see one of these ...... This is so much better! Beautifully done!
Cindi Smith05-Apr-2012 02:23
Would love to see these around these parts. :) So, so lucky!
Mairéad04-Apr-2012 20:08
Fab shot of your local wildlife.
joanteno04-Apr-2012 17:34
Great shot with perfect light - some day, I want to see a kangaroo in the wild.
Mieke WA Minkjan04-Apr-2012 07:04
what a great shot of the roo's in this shadow play
Irena Jurecic04-Apr-2012 05:41
Very unusual scene. I can see that animals so close just in the zoo. :-) I like very much these strong and contrasted lines. V
shatterbug04-Apr-2012 05:40
One in the light is worth two in the shadows...splendid capture!
Barbara Heide04-Apr-2012 04:29
what a fantastic shot!!! v
laine03-Apr-2012 23:36
They do love a green dinner plate...I like your light and shadow
Guest 03-Apr-2012 22:20
A beautiful catch, and right on the theme.
Karen Stuebing03-Apr-2012 22:08
Now, that is something I guarantee I will never see running in the woods here. Fantastic capture and fabulous light and shadow. V.
Guest 03-Apr-2012 21:12
A nice photo Sheila!!!!! Strong contrast!!!!!
Brenda03-Apr-2012 21:10
Love the shadows and their lines. The kangaroos disrupt them just enough to add interest. Love it!
Brian Samuel03-Apr-2012 20:32
Very well done and great for the theme.
Is it yoga for 'Roos :0) The contrast between your weather/climate and here is pretty marked!
wernere0103-Apr-2012 20:26
Looks like fun in the local park. Great catch and fine shadowplay.
Johnny JAG03-Apr-2012 19:29
Big bunnies!
malcolm haslam03-Apr-2012 18:58
Is it a kangaroo crossing?
It's certainly a great picture.
Guest 03-Apr-2012 18:52
Very nice light.
Al Chesworth03-Apr-2012 18:28
Skippy & Son. Nice pic Sheila.
marko gregoric03-Apr-2012 17:41
Excellent catch. V
Guest 03-Apr-2012 17:18
Wonderful capture. V.
Guest 03-Apr-2012 15:28
its good to have placed one in the sun and the other in the shade, a true director work! V
J. Scott Coile03-Apr-2012 15:16
Strong horizontals.
rousselziak03-Apr-2012 15:09
Excellent shot ! -V-
Guest 03-Apr-2012 15:04
My eye goes right to the contast of these two
Tom Munson03-Apr-2012 15:00
Nice work, Sheila!
Colin Storey03-Apr-2012 13:37
Great light and shadow in this superb image.
Yvonne03-Apr-2012 13:04
Great shot of the roo family Sheila!
Guest 03-Apr-2012 12:14
Very nice. v
Stephanie03-Apr-2012 09:43
Are these kangas just out and about in a local park? I find them to be fascinating and unusual creatures!
Laryl03-Apr-2012 09:11
strong contrasts and the fun of the wildlife as well!