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Sheila | profile | all galleries >> Challenges >> APRIL CHALLENGE 2012 - CONTRASTS tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


30. Contrasting metalwork
30. Contrasting metalwork
29. Looking up - Different ceilings
29. Looking up - Different ceilings
28. Contrasting with everything :-)
28. Contrasting with everything :-)
27. Eye catching dress.
27. Eye catching dress.
26. City buildings
26. City buildings
25. Plain brick or painted
25. Plain brick or painted
24. Contrasting reflections
24. Contrasting reflections
23. Being carried or being pushed
23. Being carried or being pushed
22. Old - New
22. Old - New
21. Barriers
21. Barriers
20. Succulent shapes and colours
20. Succulent shapes and colours
19. Flesh and wood
19. Flesh and wood
18. Floating v Sinking
18. Floating v Sinking
17. Water feature
17. Water feature
16. A spot of red.
16. A spot of red.
15. Hard and soft.
15. Hard and soft.
14.  Black and coloured fences
14. Black and coloured fences
13. Lake Joondalup after summer
13. Lake Joondalup after summer
12. White and Green Cauliflowers
12. White and Green Cauliflowers
 11. Flavours of Ice Cream
11. Flavours of Ice Cream
10. Contrasting hairstyles
10. Contrasting hairstyles
 9. Chameleon rose
9. Chameleon rose
8. Black and white
8. Black and white
7. Two  fences
7. Two fences
6.  Masted sailing ship v modern launch
6. Masted sailing ship v modern launch
 5. Contrast in cars.
5. Contrast in cars.
 4. Simple and more elaborate.
4. Simple and more elaborate.
3. Light and shadow.
3. Light and shadow.
2. Two faces of Nike
2. Two faces of Nike
 1. Black & White bantams
1. Black & White bantams