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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> When I can > Spring is on the way
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Spring is on the way

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Sue Robertson10-Aug-2009 23:40
Now that's a sweet image!...
Anthea's Photography09-Aug-2009 07:57
Beautiful Sheila, just beautiful. v
shatterbug07-Aug-2009 03:53
And what a lovely reminder this is...beautiful light and colors!
Herb 07-Aug-2009 02:56
Lovely macro
beverley harrison06-Aug-2009 22:26
ohhh gawd that means autumn for us, and the summer has'nt hit yet!!
Colin Storey06-Aug-2009 22:14
Wonderful soft image.
Al Chesworth06-Aug-2009 19:27
It's that lens and you again, beautiful.
Carole Stevens06-Aug-2009 19:11
Another gorgeous macro, this is beautiful!
pr_rajan06-Aug-2009 17:29 it!~V~
purpod06-Aug-2009 17:09
Score! Just lovely, Sheila ~ V
Chris06-Aug-2009 17:08
Spectacular! Chris
Johnny JAG06-Aug-2009 16:00
Peter Stahl06-Aug-2009 14:54
Good use of DOF. Love the way it grows out of the background. Excellent job Sheila. ~
laine06-Aug-2009 10:15
Beautiful jacaranda Mum would have adored it.