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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> When I can > Short-Billed Black-Cockatoo
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Short-Billed Black-Cockatoo

I was surprised to get reasonably close to this Cockatoo in the bush.
Usually they are flying screeching, overhead.

other sizes: small medium original auto
joanteno06-Aug-2009 09:07
Excellent - never seen this bird. Excellent detail..
Nicki Thurgar05-Aug-2009 20:14
He's got a big smile on his face for you too! :O)
shatterbug05-Aug-2009 06:26
Terrific capture...looks like he's posing for you!
Peter Stahl04-Aug-2009 23:48
Love the head poking out of the bush. Excellent job Sheila! ~
lou_rozensteins04-Aug-2009 00:22
I love these birds. Very nice capture. Well done.
J. Scott Coile03-Aug-2009 23:47
I would have guessed Puffin.
Colin Storey03-Aug-2009 20:36
Well taken shot, hiding in the bush, just looking for a sec and you caught him very well. v
Johnny JAG03-Aug-2009 20:05
Well stalked, great catch.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography03-Aug-2009 18:59
Superb capture, wonderful bokeh, Voted.
jlm03-Aug-2009 18:19
an original bird with a superb background
Al Chesworth03-Aug-2009 16:58
Well seen and taken Sheila.
Chris03-Aug-2009 15:25
I think he knows exectly where you are! Lovely image. Chris
Bryan Murahashi03-Aug-2009 15:22
Great shot of this friendly face.
Herb 03-Aug-2009 15:17
Nice capture
Carole Stevens03-Aug-2009 12:44
Aw fab shot, Its wonderful to be able to see them in the wild, gorgeous capture and I love the mottled background too!
He is gorgeous and oblivious to you taking the pik!
Yvonne03-Aug-2009 11:39
Wonderful capture Sheila with just the right lighting!
Phillip Normanton03-Aug-2009 10:53
Great catch - fab blue-sky in the background too :o)
Susan Leigh03-Aug-2009 10:22
he's watching you too ;-)) nice image, lovely detail.