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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Best of the Photo Odyssey > The Reader 20051020
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The Reader 20051020

Photographed at the Fort Langley National Historic Site,
Fort Langley, British Columbia, Canada.

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS
1/25s f/6.3 at 22.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
flojoe08-Jun-2009 14:36
Great lighting and colours. Well done.
Susan Bowen07-Jun-2009 18:14
This is a wonderful image. Great colors and use of window light.
Guest 17-May-2009 21:46
Muy hermosa fotografía.....
Roland25-Jul-2008 19:10
A beautiful photograph. -V-
Guest 31-May-2008 00:24
Nice use of window light.
Robyco20-Dec-2006 09:36
Perfect !
It reminds me of paintings from VERMEER. The same feeling, look alike. Well done.
Richard Calmes04-Sep-2006 18:54
This is a classic! V
Oakshores06-Apr-2006 10:53
Just incredible. Perfect catch, color, light, pose-voted.
Julie Ann Shoeman14-Jan-2006 23:52
I voted for this image. It's just too good to pass up. I dont vote often but this photo is worthy
Julie Ann Shoeman14-Jan-2006 23:51
As soon as I saw this photo, I immediately thought of a special artist and I couldn't think of his name and when I scrolled down the comments, I saw his name. Vermeer!

Regardless of Vermeer, what you did was absolutely beautiful. I'm amazed you did ISO 1600 and have a crisp clear photo without grain. How did you do that?
Sergio Padura19-Nov-2005 16:58
Excellent tribute to one of my favourite painters, Gordon. Thanks.
Jose Paulo Andrade12-Nov-2005 13:12
This is a very good photo with an excelent light!!
Ron Horloff28-Oct-2005 19:04
I had the same thought as soon as I saw this - the lighting and composition of a Vermeer. Nicely done.
Guest 22-Oct-2005 12:52
Wondeful light. Reminded me of a Vermeer