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Gordon W | all galleries >> Utility Gallery >> Gear & Tests Gallery >> Konica Minolta DiMAGE A2 > Columbine
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Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2
1/200s f/3.5 at 51.0mm iso100 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time14-May-2004 18:49:49
ModelDiMAGE A2
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length51 mm
Exposure Time1/200 sec
ISO Equivalent100
Exposure Bias0.30
White Balance (-1)
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality (6)
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance0.250 m

other sizes: small medium original auto
rocky09-Jun-2009 19:18
My, what a beautiful Columbine with great DOF. =V=
Rosemarie Kusserow20-Apr-2007 21:51
I love this flower and your image, stunning colors and light and so very well composed, vote Rosemarie :o)
akleja20-May-2006 18:52
very beautiful! Nice colours and detail. Love the composition and soft light!
02-Sep-2005 13:32
Beautiful !
Bob 01-Mar-2005 02:20
Very talented. One of the best galleries on pBase. Like the titles too.