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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Most Viewed Photos > Tree Shadows At Dawn 20110117
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Tree Shadows At Dawn 20110117

-29°C/-20°F - One frosty morning

Only crazy people go out photographing in that kind of weather!

Photographed near Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada.

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carlogalliani04-Jun-2012 18:32
great shot !
Irena Jurecic09-Feb-2011 14:31
Beautiful shadows and composition. Bravo!
Walter Coles02-Feb-2011 16:19
Super! Just a magical shot.
John Cravatta30-Jan-2011 14:16
Artistic composition creates an enchanting shadow pattern leading your eye to the sunrise! Brilliant work!~V~
Guest 22-Jan-2011 09:37
I love this one Gordon. Sometimes it's interesting to be crazy... :-)
Karen Moen21-Jan-2011 01:02
Gorgeous composition with strong graphic elements. At least with digital you don't have to worry about frozen film! Just fingers and toes! Lol! Voted.
Guest 20-Jan-2011 14:48
Wonderful leading lines, -20 that would explain why there are no footprints in the snow!
Pete Hemington17-Jan-2011 21:13
And Crazy people get super results!
Fred Parsons17-Jan-2011 20:40
Hey crazy nice shot
Cornelis Heijkant 17-Jan-2011 20:21
Special shot with the snow, this yellowisch light and the long stretching shadows. v.
regi olbrechts17-Jan-2011 17:41
Nice compo Gordon.
Jean-Claude Liehn17-Jan-2011 17:40
But they are right, as seen on this beautiful picture. Superb light.
Bill Gallagher17-Jan-2011 17:23
BEautiful image, I'm suprised your camera didn't freeze up on you. V
Bert de Vos17-Jan-2011 15:55
Wonderful lightplay. v
J Ponces17-Jan-2011 15:16
I don't have any idea what this temperature is, but the photo is worth it... V
Clarence King17-Jan-2011 13:55
Beautiful shot, I love the long shadows and you are also right about the crazy people.