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Gordon W | all galleries >> My Best Shots >> Most Viewed Photos > Sky Lights 20100207
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Sky Lights 20100207

No idea the source of these lights, but were bottom-lighting the clouds above.
Looked very cool.

Photographed at Ottawa, Ontario - the capital of Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Chris Lusher08-Dec-2010 17:25
you appear to just encounter magic everywhere you go. are you a pixie?
Jean Chiasson08-Sep-2010 20:58
Wow beautiful image An excellent gallery Gordon big vote
Sandi Whitteker25-May-2010 13:09
Marvelous lights. Looks like aurora borealis.
Milan Vogrin25-Mar-2010 20:18
Great image!V!
Bryan Murahashi08-Feb-2010 06:28
Beautiful lights. V
regi olbrechts07-Feb-2010 22:13
Cool indeed. Great shot!
Raf07-Feb-2010 20:45
Indeed very cool. I think they are laserlights (or UFO's ??)
Guest 07-Feb-2010 18:54
Very cool indeed. These are very good night / fireworks shots in your gallery. Voted.
Guest 07-Feb-2010 16:56
Excellent image Gordon. Beautiful lighting. Well done. Vote :)