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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Waterscapes Gallery > Guadalupe River Evening 20090311
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Guadalupe River Evening 20090311

Hill Country

Pictured here is just a channel of the river created by an island,
the terrain that's on the right side of the image. The main channel
is on the other side of the island.

Photographed near Kerrville, Texas, USA.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Tom Munson12-Mar-2009 22:14
Great light and composition, Gordon! Well done.
Guest 12-Mar-2009 15:09
wonderful light.
caveman_lee12-Mar-2009 14:21
Beautiful stream and colors.
LynnH12-Mar-2009 11:17
Beautiful scene and a great shot. I hope they get some rain soon. Awful drought this past few years.
J Ponces12-Mar-2009 10:30
Fabulous light!
Guest 12-Mar-2009 04:03
nice picture, beautiful light , warm colors , Voted
Gayle P. Clement12-Mar-2009 02:50
Really lovely light, Gordon.
Tom Torbert12-Mar-2009 02:13
You have captured such beauty here.. The lighting is incredible.. V