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Gordon W | all galleries >> Photos by Subject >> Landscapes Gallery > Guadalupe River Cypresses 20090307
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Guadalupe River Cypresses 20090307

Hill Country

The river is to the left of these trees that line the river bank, blocked from view by them.

Photographed near Kerrville, Texas, USA.

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Moen14-Mar-2009 11:09
Beautifully captured light and texture. Voted.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography08-Mar-2009 02:52
Excellent and very nice image, Vote.
Guest 07-Mar-2009 18:54
A most wonderful image of a really lovely scene. Love the manner in which the road captures the eye and leads it into the distance. Well done. My compliments to you.
Mary Bowles07-Mar-2009 16:29
This is a lovely scene, full of shadowy detail, with a promise of spring 'just around that corner'. I fancy a stroll along that interesting path.