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Sheila | all galleries >> Galleries >> Western Australian scene > Sunset over the Indian Ocean
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Sunset over the Indian Ocean

and todays pad

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daanstringer.com16-Jun-2007 00:19
nice! v
Guest 09-Jul-2006 10:23
Again, an excellent moood to this image. I hope you had a great evening - it looks like you probably did!
Guest 30-Jun-2006 14:57
Gorgeous colors indeed. I really like how the boat trails that are left in the water are captured here.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Jun-2006 23:24
Spectacular colors! Lovely shot Sheila.
Yvonne24-Jun-2006 03:56
Love this time of day near the sea, quite magic.
Guest 24-Jun-2006 02:33
How beautiful Sheila!
Susan Leigh23-Jun-2006 23:37
You have all this on your doorstep??? lucky girl, soooo beautiful!
Guest 23-Jun-2006 22:28
AS Bernard Matthews would say" Booooootiful"
Guenter Eh23-Jun-2006 18:20
...this is not from this world...beautiful!!!
joanteno23-Jun-2006 16:49
Spetacular sunset!
Herb 23-Jun-2006 13:18
Nice shot