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Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Lens Sample Photos

Marketed: 01-Sep-2003
Lens Mount: EF-S
Random Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Samples from 33657 available Photos more
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Barry S Moore07-Nov-2007 10:15
I have used this lens quite a bit and also the EFS 17-85mm. The latter lens is more sharper at 55 mm but its only seen at times 16 and well into the pixels. The kit lens is more than adequate for shots up to 12 X 8 I beleive.

What I really like is its very light to carry and has a great macro range, beating the EFS 17-85mm easily. I use the EFS 18-55 now for general landscapes in good light as my polarising filter fits it nicely. Low light, sunsets and indoors the EFS 17-85mm is used.

Combining the EFS 18-55 with the canon extension tubes makes for a very good inexpensive macro lens, where the zoom from 30mm to 55mm acts as the focus and macro ratio, with focus down to the front skylight filter!. Whats more the with the extension tubes in use you can still use the cameras inbuilt flash.

Check out this image in my gallery

Well worth keeping this lens in your kit.
Adalberto Tiburzi22-Jan-2007 21:29
Here is en example of the possibilities of this lens
Not so a bizarre example.
It shows well:
1. its close focusing capabilities
2. its light weight as I held the camera with one hand and the slide with the other.
Bill Warren19-Nov-2006 17:36
Sure, high end lens are better but the fact is that even a kit lens like this is far better than most of us will ever be. Here are some creative examples I've shot with the Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6.
Until I win the arguement with the cheapskate in me, I will keep shooting with it and blame poor results more on the shooter than the equipment.
Guest 22-Oct-2006 06:37
For a "Freebie" lens it does surprisingly well. I have no problems with sharpness and clarity.
Guest 18-Aug-2006 22:47
Most kit lenses are useable as paper weights and not much else. The 18-55mm is a nice exception to that trend. I recently bought a 20D to go along with my film body and got this lens because the 1.6x crop on the 20D robbed me of my nice wideangle lenses (though I've got much better telephoto now). For the price, it does a nice job with the sharpness. The color isn't the best, but with digital we can always tweak that later on.

If you can afford the 17-40mm f/4L or 17-85mm EF-S, certainly buy those instead. If your budget is tighter, this is the best way to get a wideangle lens on a 20D or Digital Rebel. The Bob Atkins website has a great technical review of this lens as well.

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Guest 14-Jun-2006 03:34
I bought this len with Canon 20D one year ago and use it as a "standard len". It is very simple and light but cheap and good performance with 18mm wide angle. Agree with Orr it is value for money. Canon 20D is a little bit bulk but with this len you find it total balance. I use it to take most of photos during I hike to the mountains and travel to the countries.

Please visit my photo web site: and drop me some comments. Thanks
Guest 29-Oct-2005 00:40
A very simple, but a great lens for the money.
doesn't waight a ton, not built as strong as an L-series, doesn't have a USM motoer but it's fast and if you don't look at side by side tests with other Super lenses you will see no diference.
You don't see extra sharp, proffessional pic's at the pages here? That's coz every kid that bought a canon kit has it while the pro's always get the top.
This lens can get you GREAT pictures.
Many examples in my gallery - Love parade 2005
Canon-300D17-Mar-2005 22:44
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Guest 15-Sep-2004 21:25
Hello I have many tests here of this lens and it's filters on the 300D here:

Also many pictures I have taken with this camera and lens:
Canon-300D16-Aug-2004 20:10
Need info on the this 'kit' lens?
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Guest 27-Jun-2004 16:54
This Lens has an EF-S mount ( not EF)

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