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Went for a walk in a National Park this morning.
It was misty and like a fairyland with spider webs hanging from every bush
and tree and all the leaves had dew drops hanging from them. It took my breath away.

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Shayne03-Jun-2012 21:52
eerie looking

great in B&W
Guest 02-Jun-2012 19:08
Straight from a from a fairy tale. Beautiful image, Sheila. BV
Yvonne02-Jun-2012 11:44
That is so pretty in the mist and aren't the spiders wonderful how they can weave these
perfect little webs!
malcolm haslam02-Jun-2012 07:01
That must have been a sight to see!
shatterbug02-Jun-2012 06:47
Wow, this is marvelous...great light and details!
Karen Stuebing01-Jun-2012 21:59
You've captured the magical feel with this photo. Wonderful light, tones and variety of spider webs. V.
rousselziak01-Jun-2012 20:50
WoW ! Fantastic shot ! -V-
Mairéad01-Jun-2012 20:46
Beautiful but slightly spooky looking!
Tom Munson01-Jun-2012 20:38
Wonderful find and images, Sheila! Beautiful!
Johnny JAG01-Jun-2012 20:24
Wonderful webs
Brian Samuel01-Jun-2012 19:25
Oh yes!!! Thats at least three wows in one picture. I'd love to see that ... and take a picture like this.
J. Scott Coile01-Jun-2012 15:22
laine01-Jun-2012 15:11
Welcome to winter 2012...seems the workers have been busy during the night!
Bob White01-Jun-2012 12:13
Beautiful image love all those webs and the Dew drops ...v
Guest 01-Jun-2012 11:33
love the dew drops on one side and the webs on the other.
Better in monotone to avoid distraction of the green tones in background?
marko gregoric01-Jun-2012 10:44
Outstanding shot. V
Susan Leigh01-Jun-2012 10:08
Very very beautiful!! They look like lace doylies hanging in the trees. Now, where's the owners....80
Robbie D7001-Jun-2012 10:06
Great capture , a moody morning gallery.
This is my favorite.
Colin Storey01-Jun-2012 09:28
Sorry, "great",
Colin Storey01-Jun-2012 09:27
Fantastic image of all these webs, grerat morning light.
Stephanie01-Jun-2012 09:21
WOW!!!! The spider webs are incredible Sheila! What an awesome discovery and photo! My compliments to you my friend! :)