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Spider webs

Went for a walk in a National Park this morning.
It was misty and like a fairyland with spider webs hanging from every bush
and tree and all the leaves had dew drops hanging from them. It took my breath away.

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J S Quesada06-Jun-2012 00:58
Excellent details. Amazing capture. V
Shayne03-Jun-2012 21:54
SUPER light and composition
Guest 03-Jun-2012 19:33
great capture of these deadly traps. V
malcolm haslam02-Jun-2012 07:03
Great photograph, Sheila...
shatterbug02-Jun-2012 06:50
Spider city...great capture!
rousselziak01-Jun-2012 20:51
Yes, magic ! -V-
Irena Jurecic01-Jun-2012 19:17
Wow! It should be very magic. Well done. V
laine01-Jun-2012 15:13
I love misty mornings and what you can see...super shot, Sheila
Peter Stahl01-Jun-2012 14:40
Wow. Really is amazing!! :-))
Stephanie01-Jun-2012 11:47
WOW!!! Everything about this image is superb Sheila!!! Not only are the cobwebs fascinating, but your photography is superb!!!! :))
Guest 01-Jun-2012 10:02
Splendid and....not missing colors
Yvonne01-Jun-2012 09:12
Perfect circles, aren't they amazing! Hope you didn't accidentally walk through a web!