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hugo poon | all galleries >> Galleries >> my favourites since 2007 > just another (disappearing) house...
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just another (disappearing) house...

While I was still being carried away by the amazing vastness and magnificence of the harbour,
I turned around to join my team but only found myself to be held up by just another sight.
I was captivated, not by something spectacular, but by the mood of a not-too-old,
ordinary-looking yet lonely house in which some ordinary local people were residing.

Almost all the neighbouring buildings were already bulldozed to make way for new developments;
I knew very well that not too soon in the future this house would also be be replaced by a
luxury hotel or an expensive resort home (for some wealthy people from outside)...
So, the moment I took one last shot of this house,
perhaps I was also saying farewell to Behai's existing way of living.

Beibuwan Road, Beihai, Guangxi, China

FujiFilm Finepix F200EXR
1/680s f/4.3 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 23-Nov-2010 01:15
great compo and interesting contrast btwn the bleak building and the greenery.
CM Kwan06-Oct-2010 12:39
Love the harmonious tones, Hugo! V