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Autumn Road

Madison, Wisconsin

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Guest 14-Jul-2010 12:57
Great perspective.
Aurélie10-Sep-2007 22:58
Superb :) V
Rene Hales19-Mar-2007 16:06
Very nice! Wonderful leading lines, color and light.--Rene
Niek Haak04-Mar-2007 12:43
superb composition and colors, v
Tom Briggs19-Feb-2007 17:36
Great treatment ... using the center stripe to lead the eye makes this a truly exceptional fall foilage shot. Voted
Guest 29-Oct-2006 04:16
Absolutely beautiful!
Cliff26-Oct-2006 23:09
Back again at this photo which I think is one of my favorite fall photos.
I keep looking to replicate it here - but probaly never will.
I love the glow and the perspective to this fabulous scene.
Guest 26-Oct-2006 15:46
Robert Charity20-Oct-2006 02:31
great colour, V
nordic18-Oct-2006 08:04
Great shot
Guest 05-Oct-2006 02:44
superb shot colour shoots out with force!
Sam X30-Sep-2006 13:59
what a beauty... excellent shot
Guest 10-Sep-2006 13:18
Great Shot! Nice Composition!
Guest 26-Jan-2006 07:49
Brilliant colors! Voted.
Phyllis Stewart06-Dec-2005 20:48
Superb! One of the best photos I've seen in a long time!
Guest 01-Dec-2005 23:21
Awesome shot ... beautiful composed with splendid colours and light!
Guest 29-Nov-2005 13:29
Heaven IS along the way.... enjoy the journey !!
Guest 25-Nov-2005 13:56
Lovely composition, colours and clarity.
Ron Horloff02-Nov-2005 21:15
Great use of leading lines and curves.
b-w studio01-Nov-2005 02:18
Thanks, Milind. It is near the aboretum.
Guest 01-Nov-2005 01:16
Beautiful! Isn't this the arboretum drive?
Mindy McNaugher31-Oct-2005 16:34
Stunning shot! Love the saturated colors and the fabulous composition!
Guest 27-Oct-2005 22:27
A great road to get lost down.
Nice colors Wei and very nice composition!
Yi Feng27-Oct-2005 21:07
Like the composition
Isabel Cutler27-Oct-2005 08:32
How many different ways can you capture fall? You've manager a very effective way with this image. I love the relationship of the painted line's color to the foliage.
Cliff27-Oct-2005 04:04
Wow wow!
Striking and beautiful!
Vinh Luu27-Oct-2005 03:54
very nice! what sets this apart from most shots of this type is that the yellow paint on the pavement matches with the foliage!
Guest 27-Oct-2005 03:41
This is really great. The colors (as always!!!) are really amazing. And of course the composition is just as great.
Pepe Zyman27-Oct-2005 02:34
Fantastic composition, colors and detail! Be careful with the cars.
Guest 27-Oct-2005 01:36
Love the yellow line down the middle ... is that a truck I can hear coming up behind you? ;)