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The sunrise

Illinois River

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Karen Moen13-Apr-2009 03:44
Incredible color and light captured beautifully. Voted.
LynnH18-Mar-2009 19:26
This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Vote!!!
Yi Feng17-Mar-2009 02:41
Stunning shot Wei!
s_barbour17-Mar-2009 00:57
I agree with certainly have this mastered Wei! V
Jeroen Bosman16-Mar-2009 22:32
Spectacular light show, love it . v
Antonis Sarantos16-Mar-2009 21:19
Awesome landscape! v.
Marc Demoulin16-Mar-2009 19:29
Outstanding light and reflection!! Well done! vVv
Guest 16-Mar-2009 19:13
! W O W !
Marco Valk16-Mar-2009 18:22
striking colors and refelection; great camera work. v
J. Scott Coile16-Mar-2009 17:33
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobody does it better...