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Frank Brault

Low Tide - Youghal Bay

Youghal, County Cork, Ireland

The estuary of the River Blackwater and the Celtic Sea at Youghal Bay.

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fotabug29-Mar-2016 13:08
A beautiful scene with lots of detail to explore.
Tom LeRoy29-Mar-2016 07:13
Amazing at low tide, you can see vast parts of the land. Excellent POV and shot. V
laine28-Mar-2016 21:14
A grey day, but I'm sure it would be lovely there just the same.
bill friedlander28-Mar-2016 20:54
Great view of the exposed shore. Wouldn't want to get caught at the edge when the tide comes in. V
Walter Otto Koenig28-Mar-2016 18:47
Beautiful vast wide view. Amazing how much land is exposed at low tide. "V"
joseantonio28-Mar-2016 18:42
it´s always nice to see the differences in low and high tides.V