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g9/01/738401/3/162976571.PjLCfBk9.jpg g9/01/738401/3/162963296.CfN9NwPl.jpg Weeee
g9/01/738401/3/162958385.uY5uDWwZ.jpg Taking in the sun
Taking in the sun
g9/01/738401/3/162953474.2V98P2FQ.jpg g9/01/738401/3/162949545.pEVlrDFv.jpg Four Wheeler
Four Wheeler
g9/01/738401/3/162936133.3dqSlEk5.jpg 'Winter' snow squall in April
'Winter' snow squall in April
g9/01/738401/3/162910708.lIHFxhWI.jpg g9/01/738401/3/162903478.ejS8UK13.jpg Low Tide - Youghal Bay
Low Tide - Youghal Bay
The sky casting its blue on the world below
The sky casting its blue on the world below
Dead leaves on rocks
Dead leaves on rocks
Youghal Bay
Youghal Bay
Wet feet
Wet feet
g9/01/738401/3/162845585.MK7Id4RT.jpg Random sculpture in a pile of plowed snow #2
Random sculpture in a pile of plowed snow #2
g9/01/738401/3/162841430.X9TghYCA.jpg g9/01/738401/3/162840121.es4yozI7.jpg Random sculpture in a pile of plowed snow
Random sculpture in a pile of plowed snow
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