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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Saratoga Automobile Museum > 1956 Ferrari Bardahl-Special #1 of 3
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Frank Brault

1956 Ferrari Bardahl-Special #1 of 3

Saratoga Automobile Museum - Saratoga Springs, New York

This car, with Nino Farina (who came out of retirement) driving, tried to qualify for the 1956 Indianapolis 500. It had a 4.4 liter Ferrari six-cylinder engine and American Kurtis 500D chassis. The car failed to qualify. It is not clear how serious this attempt was, as the six-cylinder engines had not been successful at sports car competition and Enzo Ferrari had lost interest. Source: Paraphrased from a museum sign.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 ,Best at original size.
1/60s f/2.0 at 12.0mm iso250 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Tom LeRoy07-Aug-2014 12:41
Historic, great looking and love that Ferrari red! V
Jean D07-Aug-2014 01:45
Definitely a lovely car. ~V
bill friedlander06-Aug-2014 21:21
A powerful machine ready to jump out of the starting blocks. Great POV! V
Karen Stuebing06-Aug-2014 20:50
It sure looks like a race car. Super capture and I like the bright red paint job. V.
Stephanie06-Aug-2014 20:42
What a neat car and excellent capture of it! V
Martha Albuquerque06-Aug-2014 18:53
WOW! What a car - What a shot! V
John Lamb06-Aug-2014 18:52
A potent image of this historic racer Frank.