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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Scenic > Cape Cod Canal
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Frank Brault

Cape Cod Canal

Sagamore, Massachusetts USA

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Best at original size.
1/2500s f/3.5 at 12.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jean D11-Nov-2014 01:08
Beautiful sunset with the incorporation of the pier, Frank. ~V
Bill Klein28-Jul-2014 18:08
Excellent! V!
Jeff Real27-Jul-2014 14:34
What a beautiful mood you have captured...I love your composition as well ~V~
Tom LeRoy26-Jul-2014 15:01
Stunning sunset, the POV and frame are really great! V
Fong Lam25-Jul-2014 14:00
A lovely evening scene with that fabulous light...V
borisalex25-Jul-2014 08:11
So peaceful water touched with beautiful late light, great timing! V.
Brian McAllister25-Jul-2014 04:29
Excellent! V
SLC_Images25-Jul-2014 00:46
I feel like I am there! Very nice! VT!
Walter Otto Koenig24-Jul-2014 23:01
Beautiful view across with this lighting. "V"