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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Street, Urban, Pub, Mall, Water, Beach, Marinas > Two Georges Waterfront Restaurant, Lounge and Sports Bar
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Frank Brault

Two Georges Waterfront Restaurant, Lounge and Sports Bar

728 Casa Loma Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33435

Good food and a great atmosphere.

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 ,Best at original size.
1/80s f/2.0 at 12.0mm iso400 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jean D22-Apr-2014 00:25
Excellent overhead advertising! Sounds like a great place to have a meal. ~V
Tom LeRoy21-Apr-2014 18:14
Great light and colors on the cool Restaurant sign. Well presented, Frank! V
Fong Lam20-Apr-2014 16:33
This is certainly a very eye-catching sign to attract customers.....the colors and lighting are excellent ....V
Walter Otto Koenig20-Apr-2014 14:26
What a cool sign. I like the lighting and colors. "V"
Stephanie20-Apr-2014 10:55
What a cute sign! I'm assuming they served seafood? V
Hoppy Easter!
( )_( )
laine20-Apr-2014 08:45
Love it's uniqueness,Frank.