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18-Apr-2014 Frank Brault


Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Best at original size.
1/160s f/2.0 at 12.0mm iso100 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Janet Donnelly23-Apr-2014 16:20
The unusual colors really make this stand out ..... great symmetrical composition ~V~
Jean D22-Apr-2014 00:26
WOW! A very creative composition, Frank. ~V
Tom LeRoy19-Apr-2014 16:35
Great yellows, takes you right into the store! Cools shot; excellent sharpness and colors. V
Walter Otto Koenig19-Apr-2014 14:38
I like this composition with the yellow doors. Draws the viewer right in. "V"
Stephanie19-Apr-2014 13:50
JCP never looked so good! Excellent capture Frank! BV
borisalex19-Apr-2014 07:48
Another great shot with the colors you are mastering! V.
laine19-Apr-2014 06:31
aimed to entice the shopper and photographer :)
SLC_Images19-Apr-2014 04:53
Great framing, detail and color. Great eye! VT!