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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Cameras & Lenses >> Olympus ED 75mm, f/1.8 M.Zuiko >
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Frank Brault

Farmington, CT USA

Derived from a Louis Vuitton window.

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,OLYMPUS M.ZUIKO ED 40-150mm F4.0-5.6 R,_Best at original size
1/100s f/2.8 at 45.0mm iso1000 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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bill friedlander03-Aug-2013 20:42
It has a 3D feel to it! I like it! V
Tom LeRoy19-Jul-2013 15:39
Brilliant shot and so effectively presented!V
Bill Klein18-Jul-2013 19:33
Outstanding image, Frank! BV!
Guest 18-Jul-2013 01:44
A great chess board gone mad! V
Jean Chiasson18-Jul-2013 01:31
Wow wonderful image Frank big vote
Stephanie17-Jul-2013 23:17
LV ha the best windows, don't they?
Awesome abstract work! V
Martha Albuquerque17-Jul-2013 22:20
Great eye .. great work Frank!! V