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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> September 2010 > Almost Dark
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03-SEP-2010 Racine Erland

Almost Dark

Southern Vancouver Island

It was the end of the day, the lighting was fading fast and we caught sight of a covey of quail just as we were putting our cameras away. Most were in the shadows, with not a chance of a shot. Then I saw the hen, the last rays of the sun shining on a matter of seconds the light was gone. California Quail facts: A covey of quail can number from a few to 60 or more in the fall and winter months, but in the spring break they into pairs. They nest in hollows scratched in the ground and concealed by foliage, and their eggs, 6 to 28 in number, are creamy white and thickly spotted with golden brown. ~ The California State Library

To see more of our quail images click HERE

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lou_rozensteins09-Sep-2010 03:27
Nice light and details!
Bryan Murahashi08-Sep-2010 19:24
Beautiful light and details.
Frank Brault08-Sep-2010 17:01
Superb light. V