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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Plants - Multiple Galleries >> SUMMER PLANTS: June, July, August > Pink Columbine
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05-JUN-2010 Racine Erland

Pink Columbine

Southern Vancouver Island

This year the columbine seem to be particularly colourful. We found this volunteer plant along a quiet
roadside and just missed getting a shot of the local hummingbird that stopped by for a sip of nectar.
Columbine facts: The unique Columbine flower shape makes the plant well suited for attracting long-
tongued nectar feeders, especially hawk moths and hummingbirds, while at the same time preventing small
bees from reaching the nectar directly. Because of the hummingbird's slender bill and long tongue, the
petite bird is able to reach the Columbine flower nectar from the base of the spur, ultimately acting
as the Columbine Flower's most efficient pollinator. ~ The Flower Expert

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Bryan Murahashi12-Jun-2010 15:41
Great light and colors.
Brian Collins Art12-Jun-2010 14:44
Beautiful Capture!!