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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Plants - Multiple Galleries >> SUMMER PLANTS: June, July, August > Yellow Daisy
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01-JUN-2010 Racine Erland

Yellow Daisy

Southern Vancouver Island

Yellow Daisy

It stands silently in a graceful pose.
It waits for a buzzing bee
To take its nectar and pollen.
Come bee, come.
Finally, it comes
And then goes quickly to the next yellow daisy.

~ Lauren Verrusio ~

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Guest 10-Aug-2010 15:33
Wonderful color and light!
Shimon Levkovich03-Jun-2010 18:41
Superb macro image. V
lou_rozensteins02-Jun-2010 21:26
Wonderful details and dof! Well done.
René Gysi02-Jun-2010 21:02
Wonderful macro composition. V
J. Scott Coile02-Jun-2010 20:31
Lovely soft brushing of light.