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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> June 2010 > Portrait of a Mallard Duckling
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05-JUN-2010 Racine Erland

Portrait of a Mallard Duckling

Southern Vancouver Island

Mallard duckling facts: At hatching, the ducklings look like wet little balls of feathers with brown backs spotted with yellow patches. Their faces and underbellies are yellow except for a dark spot on one ear and a brown line through the eye. As soon as the ducklings are dry, the female leads them to the nearest water source, a sometimes difficult journey as slower ducklings may get lost in grass or be taken by predators. Mother ducks stop frequently to make sure their broods, or groups of ducklings, are protected; if threatened by a predator, the hen will pretend to be injured, squawking and flapping on the ground. This will successfully distract a predator and keep him away from her young. Once the brood has reached the water, the female will lead them to feeding areas where the young find their own food, typically small crustaceans (hard-shelled sea creatures), insects, and tiny plants. ~ Northwest Wildlife

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Heidi E 09-Jun-2010 05:36
LOVE the twinkle of sun on her bill
Gerhard Ritsema08-Jun-2010 19:12
Sweet. We raised one for 4 weeks until it became to big to keep at home. Now she is in the childrensfarm nearby chasing the rabbits!
Bryan Murahashi08-Jun-2010 15:27
Sweet and sharp capture.