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June 2010

June brings with it the last day of spring. Here, on Vancouver Island, young birds begin
to leave their nests, deer start showing up with their fawns, summer flowers appear in the
gardens, strawberries ripen in the fields and children make their annual escape from the rigors
of scholastic confinement. In June we enjoy the longest days of the year, when the sky is blue,
the temperatures warm and all we want to do is celebrate the getaway and play in
a beautiful world.
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Your comments and votes are always welcome!

Slideshow - this month last year

It's a Mystery!
It's a Mystery!
Enjoying the Evening Sun
Enjoying the Evening Sun
Sooty Grouse Hen and Chick (see below)
Sooty Grouse Hen and Chick (see below)
Evening Scene
Evening Scene
Hey mom....look at me!!!
Hey mom....look at me!!!
Red Peony
Red Peony
Bee in Clover
Bee in Clover
Crowded Nest
Crowded Nest
The Insect
The Insect
Curious and Cautious
Curious and Cautious
Henry the Beacon Hill Park Heron
"Henry" the Beacon Hill Park Heron
Protecting the Nest
Protecting the Nest
Anxious for Dinner
Anxious for Dinner
Enjoying the Sun
Enjoying the Sun
Sailing off the Point
Sailing off the Point
Enthusiastic Grazer
Enthusiastic Grazer
Pink Columbine
Pink Columbine
Exploring the Lagoon
Exploring the Lagoon
Sunday Drive
Sunday Drive
Portrait of a Mallard Duckling
Portrait of a Mallard Duckling
The Marmalade Cat
The Marmalade Cat
Treetop Perch
Treetop Perch
Yellow Flag Water Iris
Yellow Flag Water Iris
I Love Dawgs
I Love Dawgs
Yellow Daisy
Yellow Daisy
Buck in Velvet
Buck in Velvet