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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> June 2010 > Treetop Perch
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03-JUN-2010 Carl Erland

Treetop Perch

Southern Vancouver Island

Off to the left of this eagle were two crows making suicide runs at it. The crows got so aggressive one actually attacked the back of the eagle...crazy crow! Bird facts: The action of smaller birds attacking larger ones is called "mobbing," and it's a common defensive tactic. The goal is to drive a potential threat away. Even if the offending (or potentially offending) predator doesn't leave, it loses any chance for surprise, keeping it from hunting. Birders watch for this action to find secretive birds like owls. The owl itself might be hard to find, but local songbirds won't have the same problem. If you come across a group of chickadees and warblers behaving as though life itself is an insult to their existence, there's usually an owl nearby. ~ Yahoo Answers

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lou_rozensteins06-Jun-2010 00:11
Beautiful shot. The details and pose are just great.Well done.
Frank Brault05-Jun-2010 16:51
A superb portrait which captures its regal bearing. Thanks for the information. It looks remarkably unconcerned with the "attack". :) V