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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Monthly Galleries Archive: January 2009 - December 2023 >> April 2010 > White-crowned Sparrow
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19-APR-2010 Carl Erland

White-crowned Sparrow

Southern Vancouver Island

A young male White-crowned Sparrow learns the basics of the song it will sing as an adult during the first two or three months of its life. It does not learn directly from its father, but rather from the generalized song environment of its natal neighborhood. Because the males learn the songs they grew up with and do not travel far from where they were raised, song dialects frequently form. Males on the edge of two dialects may be bilingual and able to sing both dialects. ~ All About Birds

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Bryan Murahashi20-Apr-2010 14:07
A nice capture of this neighborhood Sparrow.