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Carl and Racine Erland | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bridges, Buildings and Barns > Rosalia Railroad Bridge - 1915
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04-OCT-2009 Racine Erland

Rosalia Railroad Bridge - 1915

Rosalia, Washington

The Rosalia Railroad Bridge was built by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (also known as the Milwaukee Road) in 1915 to replace an earlier timber trestle. The bridge was designed as a concrete arch, unusual for a railroad bridge, because it crosses the Northern Pacific Railroad tracks (a rival railroad), a state highway, and is visible from Steptoe Battlefield State Park. The railroad wanted an impressive-looking bridge.[1] The viaduct consists of two spans, separated by an embankment. East of the 334 foot embankment there is a 114 foot span crossing over the Northern Pacific tracks. To the west is a 502 foot span that crosses Pine Creek, railroad tracks, and the highway. When the Milwaukee Road went bankrupt in the 1980s. the bridge and right-of-way were acquired by the State of Washington. The bridge is listed in the National Register of Historic Places due to its design. ~ Wikipedia

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