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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Memories of Old HIALEAH, Florida - Historical Photo Galleries and Commentaries - click on image to view and read >> OLD HIALEAH PEOPLE - INDIVIDUALS and SMALL GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to enter tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

OLD HIALEAH PEOPLE - INDIVIDUALS and SMALL GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to enter

These images were removed from the main Hialeah gallery to free up space so I can add more photos. Since I haven't even scanned my own old family albums yet I would like to keep these types of shots at a minimum for the time being.

However, if you do submit scanned images, please: 1. scan them at 300dpi, 2. scan them at least 3 inches high or 900 pixels high (they will be downsized to 72 or 96dpi and 400 to 425 pixels high) and, 3. save them at high quality level (9 or 10 on the scale) in JPG file format. This will minimize my scarce time trying to enlarge them and fix them up in Photoshop. Also, your scanner will do a much better job if you crop around each photo instead of scanning a flatbed full of multiple photos into one image. Thanks.

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1940 - Jeanne High and Dot McEwen in front of the Hialeah School (Elementary and Junior High School)
1940 - Jeanne High and Dot McEwen in front of the Hialeah School (Elementary and Junior High School)
1940 - Beatrice Wirth and Sarah Hughes posing with NC469M at either Hialeah Airport  or Miami Municipal Airport
1940 - Beatrice Wirth and Sarah Hughes posing with NC469M at either Hialeah Airport or Miami Municipal Airport
1941 - The Hialeah Drum and Bugle Corps
1941 - The Hialeah Drum and Bugle Corps
1941 - Rose Farrell in her Miami Edison Cadet uniform
1941 - Rose Farrell in her Miami Edison Cadet uniform
1944 - Rose Farrell Taylor in beauty contest (see comments below)
1944 - Rose Farrell Taylor in beauty contest (see comments below)
1940's - Harold and Dorothy Hubbard in front of Hubbard's Kubbard on Hialeah Drive
1940's - Harold and Dorothy Hubbard in front of Hubbard's Kubbard on Hialeah Drive
1940's - Harold Hubbard working the counter at Hubbard's Kubbard
1940's - Harold Hubbard working the counter at Hubbard's Kubbard
1940's - Harold Hubbard working the counter at Hubbard's Kubbard
1940's - Harold Hubbard working the counter at Hubbard's Kubbard
1947 - Rose Farrell Taylor in front of Ross Burgess' Ice Cream Store after the Flood of 1947
1947 - Rose Farrell Taylor in front of Ross Burgess' Ice Cream Store after the Flood of 1947
1950 - Brad King's mom at one of the Hialeah Race Track entrances
1950 - Brad King's mom at one of the Hialeah Race Track entrances
Early 1950s - Johnny Cheleotis
Early 1950s - Johnny Cheleotis
Mid 1950s - Dorothy Dotty McLane and Johnny Cheleotis Wedding
Mid 1950s - Dorothy "Dotty" McLane and Johnny Cheleotis Wedding
Late 1950's - Charles and Billie Bechter in front of their Dairy Queen and Pappee's Restaurant on E. 4th Avenue, Hialeah
Late 1950's - Charles and Billie Bechter in front of their Dairy Queen and Pappee's Restaurant on E. 4th Avenue, Hialeah
1950's - Bobye Jo Kirkland, Hialeah Mayor Henry Milander and Ida Snow of Snow's Jewelers
1950's - Bobye Jo Kirkland, Hialeah Mayor Henry Milander and Ida Snow of Snow's Jewelers
1957 - Miss Catherine Moore, first principal of Palm Springs Junior High School in Hialeah
1957 - Miss Catherine Moore, first principal of Palm Springs Junior High School in Hialeah
1960 - Doctor and Mrs. Berge Markarian and Don Boyd in a Miami News advertisement
1960 - Doctor and Mrs. Berge Markarian and Don Boyd in a Miami News advertisement
1960 or 1961 - Harry Steele's Cabriolets Road Club in Hialeah
1960 or 1961 - Harry Steele's Cabriolets Road Club in Hialeah
1961 - a Khoury League team in northwest Hialeah  (comments below)
1961 - a Khoury League team in northwest Hialeah (comments below)
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Dotty Cheleotis, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Marlene Harden, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Marlene Harden, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Marlene Harden, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1962 - Marlene Harden, Miami News counselor, with a group of her Miami News paperboys
1960s - neighborhood kids enjoying high winds on W 17th Street, Hialeah
1960s - neighborhood kids enjoying high winds on W 17th Street, Hialeah
1964 - Drivers in trouble - Quentin Peter Ciolfi in a wreck with Bill Swann
1964 - Drivers in trouble - Quentin "Peter" Ciolfi in a wreck with Bill Swann
1966 - a bunch of Hialeah boys in the Tri Omega fraternity at Miami-Dade Junior College
1966 - a bunch of Hialeah boys in the Tri Omega fraternity at Miami-Dade Junior College
1966 - Mrs. Mary Strickland (later Smith) and Mrs. Margaret Walther at Catalina Cleaners honoring Hialeah boys in the military
1966 - Mrs. Mary Strickland (later Smith) and Mrs. Margaret Walther at Catalina Cleaners honoring Hialeah boys in the military
1966 - Janet Andrews Moye and Kenny Moye departing on their honeymoon
1966 - Janet Andrews Moye and Kenny Moye departing on their honeymoon
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan Sue Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1968 - Susan "Sue" Lowden (now Jacobs) in a modeling portfolio
1970/1971 - Mr. Zimmerman (Bob) with his 6th grade students Rod Cox, Danny Todd and Mike Coleman at Palm Springs Elementary
1970/1971 - Mr. Zimmerman (Bob) with his 6th grade students Rod Cox, Danny Todd and Mike Coleman at Palm Springs Elementary
1974 - Margaret Mordachini (HHS-74) and her dad Helomar Mordachini at the Brazilian Carnaval in Miami
1974 - Margaret Mordachini (HHS-74) and her dad Helomar Mordachini at the Brazilian Carnaval in Miami
1974 - Margaret Mordachini in her senior year at Hialeah High School
1974 - Margaret Mordachini in her senior year at Hialeah High School
1976 - Terrence M. Duffy sitting on his 1957 Chevy in front of Publix #85 on Palm Springs Mile in Hialeah
1976 - Terrence M. Duffy sitting on his 1957 Chevy in front of Publix #85 on Palm Springs Mile in Hialeah
1970's - Pete Janowitz and his dad at Jano's Sandwich Sub Shop in the Palm Lakes section of northwest Hialeah
1970's - Pete Janowitz and his dad at Jano's Sandwich Sub Shop in the Palm Lakes section of northwest Hialeah
1970's - the crew of Jano's Sandwich Sub Shop with Pete Janowitz on the right
1970's - the crew of Jano's Sandwich Sub Shop with Pete Janowitz on the right
1976 - Linda Hudish, formerly of Hialeah, playing pool and the photo won AP Photo of the Year as best photo
1976 - Linda Hudish, formerly of Hialeah, playing pool and the photo won AP Photo of the Year as best photo
1992 - Alexander Al Alex Pro and his wife Frankie Gosnell Pro
1992 - Alexander "Al" "Alex" Pro and his wife Frankie Gosnell Pro
1993 - retired Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Joseph A. Boyd and 11th Circuit Court Judge Mattie Belle Davis (bios below)
1993 - retired Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Joseph A. Boyd and 11th Circuit Court Judge Mattie Belle Davis (bios below)
1994 - article about Barbara and Pete Janowitz (formerly of Jano's in Hialeah) and their Ocalahans Eatery in Ocala
1994 - article about Barbara and Pete Janowitz (formerly of Jano's in Hialeah) and their Ocalahans Eatery in Ocala
1916-2007 - Former Hialeah city attorney Joe Boyd, Dade County commissioner and State Supreme Court Justice
1916-2007 - Former Hialeah city attorney Joe Boyd, Dade County commissioner and State Supreme Court Justice
2008 - retired long-time Hialeah High School coaches Mike Feduniak and Chuck Mrazovich
2008 - retired long-time Hialeah High School coaches Mike Feduniak and Chuck Mrazovich
2010 - 85-year old Hialeah Police Officer Leo Thalassites still working for Hialeah - let's hear it for Leo!
2010 - 85-year old Hialeah Police Officer Leo Thalassites still working for Hialeah - let's hear it for Leo!
2011 - Miami-Dade Fire Department names MIA's north side fire station after Robert Casey Lamme (HHS 1965 grad)
2011 - Miami-Dade Fire Department names MIA's north side fire station after Robert "Casey" Lamme (HHS 1965 grad)
2012 - Hialeah Police Lieutenant Leo Thalassites honored as oldest active police officer in the nation
2012 - Hialeah Police Lieutenant Leo Thalassites honored as oldest active police officer in the nation
2012 - Steve J. Jenkins (HHS class of 1964) and his 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury
2012 - Steve J. Jenkins (HHS class of 1964) and his 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury
2012 - Jim Whitaker after the funeral service for retired Hialeah High Coach Mike Feduniak
2012 - Jim Whitaker after the funeral service for retired Hialeah High Coach Mike Feduniak