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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1946 - closeup of the 6th grade class at Shenandoah Elementary School, Miami
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1946 Courtesy of Fred Darwick

1946 - closeup of the 6th grade class at Shenandoah Elementary School, Miami

1023 SW 21st Avenue, Miami, Florida view map

Thank you to Stingaree Carolyn Williams New in the middle row, married to Edison Red Raider Edwin New for contributing this great old image. Click on "original" below to see the largest version of this image.

Some faces may be distorted because the image had old age spots all over it (no, not the old age spots you have now but print spots) and I had to restore it. If you had zits back then you don't now because of the restoration process. : )

Names, left to right:

Front row: Jerry Pollack, Bob West, Tom Jones, Marilyn Grover, Meridith Thompson, Nancy Mather, Celia Raven, Patsy Leary, Barbara Moss and Jack Edelstein

Middle row: Zelner Albritton, Frank Heyman, Leonard Kessler, Joe Johnson, Fred Darwick, Bill Murphy, Don Coumbe, Bert Griffith, Mary Ann Joyner, Marilyn Kurman, Frances Shull, Sally Stephens, Patsy Roberts, Arlene Hancock, - Carolyn Williams -, Phil Clark, Joanne Hablow, Judy Myers and Joann Queen

Back Row: Albin Jewett, Lewis Kanner, Houston Crosley (like in car & kitchen appliances), ??, ??, Patricia Larimer, Nicky Lawton and Roz Fox

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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