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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area Tourist and Local ATTRACTIONS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Bill Haast's Miami Serpentarium souvenir decal from the 1950's
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1950's Courtesy of Alvin Lederer

Bill Haast's Miami Serpentarium souvenir decal from the 1950's

SW 128th Street and South Dixie Highway, Dade County, Florida

Thank you to Alvin Lederer, formerly of North Miami and now Rome, GA, for contributing this great old image.

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Don Boyd25-Jun-2009 07:17
Carmela, thank you for writing. Unfortunately the Serpentarium closed many years ago and Bill Haast lives over on the Gulf Coast now. If you read the comments under his photos you'll see what I mean.

Carmela 24-Jun-2009 21:14
I was reminiscing with my boss, Patty (Pessolano) Moore, about my visit to the Serpentarium when I was 8, back in the early 1970s. She told me she worked there in the '60s. We decided to look it up and found your site. I will definitely include the Serpentarium on my next visit to Miami! Thanks for all you do!
gary ortman 25-Mar-2009 03:13
Lived on the same block as he and his family. Knew both his daughters. Used to sell snakes to him for anywhere from 1 to 3 bucks a foot depending on the type of snake.
Spent lots of time there with my buddy Doug Mclaughlin