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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1940 - Miami Edison Senior High Cadettes in Washington, DC (left half of image)
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21-MAY-1940 Courtesy Dorothy Mendelson Spon

1940 - Miami Edison Senior High Cadettes in Washington, DC (left half of image)

Washington, DC

Thank you to Dorothy Mendelson Spon, formerly of Hialeah, for contributing this great old photo. Dorothy is first on the left in the front row on the left corner. Since Hialeah would not have their own high school until 1954, kids from Hialeah attended several other high schools in Dade County and Dorothy went to Miami Edison Senior High.

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Sharon 15-Jun-2009 23:06
I was a Cadette in 1967-68 and had to move so I could not go on the Washington trip. I have never gotten over it!!! Was such a wonderful organization!! It is true-- I'm 58 and still find myself doing drum beats with pencils, pens and fingers!!!
Guest 17-Jul-2008 00:22
They were good and they were smart. My Sister-in-Law Bobbie (Roberta) Hernandez was a Cadet in '54 & '55.

I was in the Edison band from '46-'48 and Fred McCall was the bandmaster. He left after'48 to become bandmaster of "The Band of the Hour" at the Univerisity of Miami.
Don Boyd27-Apr-2008 06:14
Thank you Teekeela for the correction - I'm sorry for the mistake.

Teekeela Robertson Williams 26-Apr-2008 02:19

This is not the Miami Edison Marching Band. It is the Edison Cadettes.