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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1953 - Mr. Allen's 6th grade class at Coral Gables Elementary School
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Fall 1953 Courtesy of Steve McDonald

1953 - Mr. Allen's 6th grade class at Coral Gables Elementary School

Coral Gables, Florida

Thank you to Steve McDonald for contributing this great old image of his class.

Front row: Gary Rovin, Berlye Hooper, Lea Hume, Norman Crouch, Brenda Roth, ?, ?, ?, Rosa Malice, Adel Malice, and Bobby Sternburg

2nd row: Billy Davis, Carol Wilson, Barry ?, Anne Walker, Tom Macloskie, ?, ?, Ruth Spire, ?, and Bill Niblock

3rd row: Murray Spooner, Bobby Hooten, ?, ?, ?, Dale Colvin, Alan Tatumbalm, Dale VanSciver, ? and teacher Mr. Allen

4th row: Sharon Press, Donnie Thagard and ?

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Joni Douglass 09-Jul-2013 19:20
OMG! Mr. Allen was my history teacher way back in 1966 and he was without a doubt the the best history teacher I have ever had and because of him I still love ancient history. I wonder what happened to him?

Joni Douglass
Guest 01-Mar-2012 06:30
I am so glad I found this web site. I had Mr. Allen as my 6th grade teacher at Coral Gables Elementary in 1971. I didn't think he was the greatest teacher then but I have to admit I remember so much that he taught me.
Tom Orr 04-Jun-2010 01:06
Mr. Allen was without a doubt the best teacher I ever had at any level. I had him for homeroom and history and I'm a history fan to this day.

Tom Orr