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FEB-1968 © 1968 Dave Kleylein

1968 - William Jennings Bryan Elementary School in North Miami

NE 12 Avenue and 125 Street, North Miami, Florida

Thank you to former Miamian Dave Kleylein (William Jennings Bryan Elementary, North Miami Junior High, North Miami High, and Norland High Class of 1962) for contributing this image.

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Guest 04-Dec-2024 06:22
Does anyone know how to find Ms. Raskin from 2000-2001 for 1st grade. I want to find her and my old classmates.
Stephen Sykes 18-Apr-2023 16:02
The best teacher ever, Mr. Calay!!!!!
sharon b 03-Mar-2022 07:47
I went to WJ Bryan in the 1980s ... my teachers from K-6 were Mrs. Brandsma (K), Mrs. Knight (1st), Mrs. Morton (2nd), Mrs. McCoy (3rd), Mrs. Meacham (4th), Mrs. Cochran (5th), Mr. Calay & Mr. Tannenbaum (6th). I also fondly remember our art teacher, Mrs. Diaco (spelling?). And then Coach Smith and Coach Mac (whom I adored! He was kind, compassionate, and encouraging.) That school is a gorgeous Spanish villa vibe and I feel lucky to have been to that school, I learned some years later that Coach Smith was the one who originally organized the garden/floral landscape design in that courtyard.

My sister and brother also went there, and they had diff teachers (Mrs. Schaeffer, Mr. Levine, Mrs. Cook are a few of the names I recall.

I would LOVE to see more pics of all those teachers. Mrs. Cochran was one of my all-time fave teachers (contrary to what another commenter noted, she was not racist -- she was a force, and a HUGE inspiration to me; she empowered me to be a fierce critical thinker and scholar, and to see beyond my tiny bubble in the world). Mrs. Meacham was indeed a bible-thumpin' born-again Christian but I don't recall feeling that she pushed that onto us (she was tough as nails, and not very gentle/compassionate -- which left its own impression of what hard-core religiosity looked/felt like!).

If anyone has photos of those teachers from those early 1980s years, that would be so cool!
Jonathan Astee 12-Apr-2021 18:04
Some of the worst teaches ever!!!!!
*Worst Spanish teacher, Felicia Galindo told boring stories about taking classes at FIU, and going to Swanbourne's restaurant in South America. (Sorry Jorge)!
*Mrs. Cochran, racist, hated white people, black militant. I was young, and too naïve to know.
*Mrs. Meacham, ,Jesus freak/bible thumping religious wacko, told stories about God putting a stamp in her drawer when she needed one.
Guest 30-Jan-2021 01:57
I attended 2nd to 6th in 80's. I remember life was good at school. Mrs. Jimenez was 2nd. They turned the auditorium into divider classes for my 3rd grade so 4 classes were in there. 4th was Mr Osborne and 5th was Mr cook, 6th was Mr clay, Mr tannebaum and Mrs Crumbly. Go Lions!
Judith Schreyer McCracken 24-May-2019 13:49
I went there in 1950 until 1957, I started out in the portable then eventually went into the school. One of the teachers' I had was a Mrs. Earhart and she had a stuffed Bear on a stand in our room. She said that her brother had shot it several years before. IN sixth grade my teacher was Mr. Price and what I remember most about him was he ate a lot of yogurt and was always slapping my left hand with a ruler and telling me I needed to start writing with my right hand. I remember in the mornings standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and also going out into the middle court for the Flag Raising. One year they put two poles up in the court and we were taught to do the May Pole Dance, we had to wear blue skirts and white blouses and our parents were invited to watch us perform. My best friend was Judy Sanders and since our initials were the same we always lined up together...Back then we lined up in Alphabetical order. I loved that school and was sad when I graduated from the 6th. grade. I have been by the school a few times and still get that wonderful feeing when I see it.
tyler deshommes 06-Feb-2018 00:06
I am in this school now I started in 2013 and now its 2018 it my last year here im in
5th grade my teacher is ms.miller and ms. hosighn my Dad went to this schoold back in the year of 1995 and his teacher was also ms.hosighn
Bev Wells 10-Dec-2017 20:03
I attended during the 57/58 school year and the 58/59 school year. First and second grades. I remember Mrs Cummings was my second grade teacher. The beautiful courtyard, the Boom-de-atta school song, and walking home are cherished memories
anony mous 29-Apr-2016 20:15
This school is so wonderful. It helped me see how truly smart i am. Now i am graduating 8th grade an passing all my classes
Bill White 27-Jul-2015 18:50
I have fond memories of the year I attended WJB Jr Hi in 1947-1948. I grew up mostly in NJ and have not been back since. But my daughter who lives in Deland sent me some recent photos she took. Everything was familiar except the chain link fence. Sign of the times I suppose.
Guest 07-May-2013 17:18
(...Continue from previous post as "Guest")
I have also posted pictures of students during the May Pole dance era, Mr. Price, Mr.
Calay, Mr. Tannenbaum, Mrs. Cook..etc. Most of the pictures are from 1950s.
Guest 07-May-2013 17:12
Please check out or join William Jennings Bryan Alumni facebook site. There's several class pictures along with the school information/Arch Creek that have been uploaded dated back in the 1950' just might find yourself in one of those pictures.
Guest 23-Apr-2013 02:51
I attended 2nd through 6th grade here from 1971 - 1975... my favorite teacher that stands out was Mr Price. He was the most impressionable teacher I ever had in my life! I loved this school and have incredible memories. I lived on the boarder of Biscayne Park and N Miami and remember walking to school along 125th street.
breanna 05-Jan-2013 20:14
im in that school now
Dennis Stone 27-Sep-2012 20:13
Since my family moved to North Miami in 1955, I would have been in the 5th grade that year. Don't remember alot about those years. I do remember being a road guard helping stop traffic for crossing kids. Also remember something about a paddle being tossed out the back 2nd story window. I think that I might have felt it later that week.
Elaine Eddinger Hardy 03-Sep-2011 01:14
I attended 2nd-6th grade here--Teachers were Mrs. Bowen, Mrs. Myrick and Mrs. Parker (?). Learned to play clarinet in Mr. Richard's band. As a senior at Stetson University, I did my teaching internship at Bryan in Mrs. Stanshaw's 5th grade class. Anyone in that class in '60/'61? It was the Civil War Centennial and I remember putting newspaper clippings on the bulletin board and one of the students asking me if I remembered the war!!
Guest 25-Jun-2011 12:04
I went here from 81 - 86 when the school was green then they painted it yellow I believe. Anyone had Ms. Mackey for 2nd grade? or Ms. Cook for 6th? She was great. Does anyone remember the 6th grade pod?
Alice 17-Jan-2011 23:22
I went here 1963 to 1967 Beautiful school with it's open court yard in the center, good memories but was pulled out and put in private school (Dade Christian) before I had a chance to do the May Pole Dance (will never forgive my Mom for that) LOL
Cheri Mindum 14-Jan-2011 17:00
Oh how I remember Ms. Galindo. She was an excellent Spanish teacher.
Jorge Galindo 28-Sep-2010 01:42
My mom was the spanish teacher at Bryan elem from 73 to 80 Mrs. Felicia Galindo (she was also my teacher for one summer, boy that was tough!) . Anyboby remember her ? THANKS MOM !
george kelley 09-Jun-2010 03:52
Buzz, we must have known each other since I also started at Bryan in '68 and also had Mrs. Schaffer for both first and third grade. Talk about a small world! She was a great teacher and a first-class woman my mom had a good friendship with. I also recall Mrs. Meacham (I think it was 4th grade) being a warm and caring teacher. We kids probably took the architectural grandeur of the facility for granted, but they sure don't build 'em like that anymore. One funny Bryan memory was in 6th-grade when they stuck virtually all of that grade in the auditorium (because of overcrowding perhaps?) and attempted to have different classes going on literally within feet of each other. Talk about chaos! I think we may have learned more about physics ( as in how far you can throw an object across an auditorium) than anything else that year!
Guest 05-Feb-2010 05:44
kasey smith, i attended this great school from 1st to 4th and never regreted since and i miss my teachers like Mrs. Brown, my P.E. teacher, mrs. baker, and even ms. barbara. where does time go?
Buzz 30-May-2009 23:52
I attended WJB from Sept. of 68 through Jan. of 72. I remember Mrs. Schaffer who was my 1st and 3rd grade teacher. The cafeteria food was always good and I received a quality education while there.
We lived in the "Pink" apts. between the Ivan Tors studios and then we moved to 129th St. I always walked to school and back, it was no big deal then.
Cynthia Dalton Rogers 16-Feb-2009 03:01
I went to this school in the 5th grade. So many good memories. 1966/67
Guest 11-Dec-2008 20:11
I went to school here as well. The memories will last for a lifetime. Did anyone attended while the auditoritum was still functioning?
nancy landers bursk 26-Aug-2008 00:20
Went here in the 2nd grade, Mrs. Singer's class. Glad to see it is still there!
John Lasseter14-Mar-2008 10:47
My elementary school from "54" on. Great building and a heritage of doing the "May Pole Dance" in the open courtyard. Spent 3rd grade in a portable. (overcrowding)
Guest 17-Jan-2008 20:23
This was the school I went to from 1950 to 1956. My first grade class met in a “portable” and I remember feeling bad because I didn’t get to go to school in a “real” room. It seemed that every year I went there they were repairing the outside walls of the school. There were always “roads” of new concrete patches snaking over the outside of the building as they patched the walls. Every Monday morning all the classes would go into the halls and face the courtyard for the American flag raising. They even used to have bible school meetings in the auditorium which I’m sure would be a no-no now.
Dave the Guest
Jeff 16-Jan-2008 07:35
The original wooden school house burned down after the 1926 hurricane... This building replaced it, and it is still in operation. The school received a major face-lift just this past year (2007) and has had chain-link fence surrounding the property for quite some time.