Thanks to Stingaree Fred Darwick for providing this image. There are still some missing names so if you are in the photo and not named please let us know and we'll add it. Most of the kids in this photo went on to Shenandoah Junior High. From there most of them went on to Coral Gables Senior High, Miami Senior High or Edison Senior High, graduating in 1953.
For Google name search purposes, the photo features these identified kids, and two identified later, left to right:
Front row: Algene Bell, David Breslow, Sandy Shier, Marie Charlane, unknown boy, June Moser, unknown boy, Margaret Evans and James Elwell.
Second row: Lois Tichner, Audrey Madala, Vernon Aylor, Robert Hendricks, Doris Jean Holcomb, Shubert Lee, Bill Spurgeon, unknown boy and Bill Butler.
Third row: Jana Agnew, Bill Banta, Virginia Vaughn, Bill Fullick, Roselle Segal, Judy Jones, Richard Hulse, Mollie Merrick and unknown girl.
Last row: Mrs. Carpenter (teacher and the first Orange Bowl Queen), Susan Perry, Herb Frith, Barbara Kagan, Marlene Singer, Buz Reynolds, unknown girl and Principal Mrs. Burns.