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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1957 - Caribe Muffler shop at 1530 NW 42 Avenue, Miami, Florida
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1957 - Caribe Muffler shop at 1530 NW 42 Avenue, Miami, Florida

1530 NW 42nd Avenue, Miami, Florida

Thanks to Juan R. Pollo for identifying the street/avenue that this shop was on.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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John Mascaro 16-Mar-2012 18:16
Looks identical in it's layout to the one on Bird Rd. (S.W. 40th St.) just W. of S.W. 87th Ave. (The old Galloway Rd. ) run, operated for many years by "Vinnie" (Can't locate the card to get last name)
Tom Wilby 30-Jun-2009 18:30
Tom Wilby Tom@Wilby.US
Tom Wilby 30-Jun-2009 18:28
The Caribe Muffler chain was owned and operated by my grandfather, George T. Wilby. He was not a pilot, but a true entrepreneur. He also built and operated the 27th Ave Drive-in Theater, North Dade Theater and The Twin Drive-In Theater in Miami.
robertbowman14-Mar-2008 23:37
According to my buddy that runs the Mad Hatter Muffler Shops......
"this is Miami's FIRST muffler shop.It was opened by an Eastern Airline pilot named George Wilby, who flew primarily over the carribean...Vince's father Tony, worked there before opening his shop on bird road in 1956. Here is the original phone number N E 5-6513."
Juan R. Pollo 14-Oct-2007 22:25
1530 NW 42nd Ave., across from the golf course