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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area HOTELS and MOTELS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1951 - the Palms Motel at the southeast corner of US 1 and SW 67 Avenue, Dade County
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1951 - the Palms Motel at the southeast corner of US 1 and SW 67 Avenue, Dade County

SE corner of US 1 and SW 67 Avenue, Miami, Florida

other sizes: small medium original auto
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bruce bailey 20-Mar-2017 08:37
Now I have seen photos of a small gold course near the Palms but it is on the land where Toys 'r us is now.
B. Bailey 08-Nov-2014 09:01
Wrong on the golf course. There was a golf course at the 136th st. area.
Lou 16-Jun-2011 19:46
The pyramid shaped ones were called "City Titties".
K. Blanton 03-Aug-2010 17:18
Michael: There was a golf course there. A little 9 hole par 3 course that cost about $2 or $3 to play. This was in the early to mid 70s.
Ray06-Dec-2009 04:11
Well when I was a kid we called the pointed ones "Egyptian Elephant turds". Get it? Pyramid like? Okay, we were young.

Thanks for the info about why we don't see them any more. Now I'm looking for something with spikes to put on the inside of a private curb the trucks in my area seem to like to drive over. One trucker took out a hedge 3 feet within the curb. Not even trying to stay on the driveway. I want it to cost them a tire next time lol

Michael Shull 12-Nov-2009 15:48
If I'm not mistaken this is the same motel that a stepfather abandoned my mother, brother, sister and I at in the early 70's after we relocated here from maine in the early 70's had a golf course behind it.
Guest 30-Sep-2008 21:20
The pointed ones were called camel turds. At least thats what WE called 'em!!!!!
Don Boyd22-Nov-2007 03:16
I believe those elephant turds were banned by county code because they can cause vehicles to go out of control and cause accidents. A bunch of them owned by residents were removed by the county near Miami Lakes Ele-Middle a year or so ago; they were there to keep parents from parking in the swale areas. The county or the town put up 'no parking' signs to help the residents.

I believe the pyramid shaped ones were called something 'tits" but I can't rememeber what it was.

Ray22-Nov-2007 02:19
See the small white mounds on the grass near the driveway? Was it just my neighborhood that called these 'elephant turds'? They were there to discourage people from driving on the grass. I think everyone had these in their front yard at some point. I was thinking about it the other day and you really don't see them much any more.

Now, for extra credit, what did you call the ones that were pyramid shaped?